
Contact Me

The Shops

Beeba Bottoms Diapers at HyenaCart carries in-stock items, including Cloth Diapers and Covers, Training pants, and Accessories.

Crystal City Fibers at Indie Dyers Cooperative
Find Crystal City Fibers at The Indie Dyers Cooperative on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. Yarns, Fibers, Stitch markers... Fibery goodness for the Creative Soul.

Beeba Bottoms Home Site. Find Custom and Semi-Custom listings for all your favorite Beeba Bottoms Products.

And Don't miss Crystal City Fibers @ Etsy, Coming soon!


About Me

I am a WAHM of 2, and have been making diapers for over 2 years, selling them for over a year and a half. My own kids have been known to go without diapers because I was too busy making them for customers.

My Main Business is Beeba Bottoms Diapers, and there you can find Cloth Diapers, Covers, andother sewn Accessories.

Now, I have Joined the Yarny Population. 9 other ladies and myself have created a Shop called the Indie Dyers Cooperative. We sell our hand-dyed yarns and fibers, and our hand spun yarns. Along with a few cool accessories. And we are having fun doing it.

You can Find more updates about Crystal City Fibers here.

Tutorials to show you HOW-TO do it.


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