
Choices, choices...

... I have quite a few thoughts in mind for the next great blog post.

I have to video the Spinning chapter of The Art of Rolags.

I'd like to do a post about the crafting of my basket... Which, by the way, is moving along... I've started the sides now.

I could do an impromptue interveiw post, but that would require that people want to know something about me, and I question that one...

Of course I could do some sewing video tutorials, but I am not sure what readers want to know.

So... What would you readers like to see next on the blog?

A spinning post?
A Dyeing post?
Embroidery (machine)?
A personal type of post?

Do you prefer video or still pictures?
Do you want to know more about me, or would you rather read more about the craftiness?

Of course, when my new LadyBug wheel gets to me, I'll have to write a post about that... And boy, I can't wait! Did I menton It is on its way? To the dealer, anyway. Then it will be coming to me, complete with high speed and slow speed whorls, and extra high speed bobbins. Fun toys!



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